3 Tips For Navigating Life After Divorce As A Woman

Going through a divorce is often overwhelming. That doesn’t mean it’s the wrong thing to do, whether things were contentious or amicable. But, it’s still a huge loss, and it can change your overall way of life. 

You might have to move out of your home or even move to a different town. You might have to deal with new financial issues or scheduling time with your kids. While divorce is difficult for everyone involved, it can be especially challenging for a woman, as new fears and concerns start to arise. 

That doesn’t mean you have to feel the negative effects of a divorce forever. Let’s cover a few tips you can use to navigate life after divorce as a woman.

1. Be Kind to Yourself

It can be hard to be self-compassionate after a divorce. First, you’re dealing with all of the emotions that come from ending a marriage. No matter what happened, it’s easy to blame yourself for some things — even if you wish you could have seen things differently earlier in the relationship. 

You might also start to criticize yourself for grieving or for not being ready to move on right away. There is no ideal timeline for “getting over” a divorce. Don’t let others make you feel obligated to get over it faster than you’re ready. 

Think about how you might treat a family member or friend struggling with the effects of a divorce. Would you criticize them or keep bringing up their mistakes or what they could’ve done better? Chances are, you would support and encourage them. You would show them kindness and compassion. You deserve nothing less from yourself.

african american woman smiling at something off camera

2. Take Things Slowly

Don’t assume that you have to jump back into your “normal” life right away. Life has changed and it will continue to change for a while. Give yourself time to get used to that. Take some time off work. Go on a vacation. When you’re ready, ease back into a familiar routine or create a new one that works for you and your family. 

Most importantly, prioritize self-care instead of getting back to the grind right away. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Maintain a healthy diet. Stay physically active. To take care of your mental well-being, try things like journaling, meditation, and mindfulness. 

While you don’t need to stay stuck in the negative thoughts surrounding your divorce, there’s also no rush to prove things can be normal again quickly. Give yourself time to heal and move forward.

3. Get the Support You Need

As a woman, you might feel the need to appear strong and independent after a divorce. There’s nothing wrong with that. You’ll likely find a deep, internal strength you didn’t even realize you had before. 

But, it’s also okay to reach out for help and to lean on your support system. Let your family and friends be there for you, and help you discover who you are and what you want the next phase of your life to look like. 

A therapist can also help with that, if you’re struggling. Therapy is a great way to process your emotions, work through your grief, and learn more about yourself. Your identity was rooted in your marriage, even if it was a short one. Now, it’s time to start a new chapter, and that can be an overwhelming task on your own. 

You don’t have to navigate life after divorce on your own. Keep these tips in mind, and don’t hesitate to set up an appointment soon for divorce counseling if you’re looking for some extra help. The next stage of life is waiting for you. 


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