Spiritual Journey

What Do I Mean By Spirituality?

Spirituality and religion are two separate things. Religion is quite a complex concept. You may be on a quest to figure out what “being spiritual” means to you. Most people believe that what they’ve been taught is the ultimate truth. It’s not my job to question your version of faith or whether it is right or wrong. My job is to help you feel secure in your path as a spiritual being if that is what you choose for yourself. You know what is best for you.

It’s been shown that having some sort of Spiritual path or faith in your life can help you move forward out of emotional turmoil. The belief that there is something bigger than yourself that you can tap into for wisdom, guidance, and freedom is as old as time. Whatever you hold in your heart as your spiritual force is yours to choose. 

If you've left a religious community behind because it was no longer suiting your needs you may be missing a community and are wondering what to do about your spiritual journey. There's plenty to learn! Finding your spiritual path is an ongoing purpose for all of us. If this type of knowledge is a thirst for you, then give me a call. I love teaching spirituality and our place in the cosmos. Finding your path is unique to you. 

I've had the privilege of receiving decades of education in some beautiful countries with wonderful teachers giving me a wealth of knowledge and access that I am honored to share with the students who thirst.

Watch my blog for more to read on this topic. 

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